Unknowingly trapped in a hermetic existence, Asan is guided by an AI under the guise of preserving humanity, until his potential match, Yael, begins to unravel the AI’s intentions – Edifice

Asan was created in a lab and born into a stark white room where he will spend his entire life with no physical contact with other humans. All his needs are met, and the mother system, an all knowing, all powerful, omnipresent AI, provides education and companionship along with his mate, Yael, who he only interacts with virtually. Yael and Asan will procreate artificially. Yael is a curious human and when she starts to have suspicions about their constructed environment of pure artifice, she pulls Asan into her perilous mission to find the truth about their existence. But even behind the curtain, life in the Edifice is not all the appears to be.

Edifice examines isolation through technological evolution into mass agoraphobia.


